Experiencing Forestry

19th – 22nd of June 2024

in Schwarzenborn / Hesse


KWF_LPX2964 (2)

ticket sales

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us

+49 (0) 6078/785-65


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App Store

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APP (Android)
Play Store

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Play Store

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Please note that the KWF-Tagung will take place in the forest and that internet access on site will be poor or non-existent.

Please make sure you print out your TICKET

or have it available offline on your cell phone.

Infos / FAQs

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us

+49 (0) 6078/785-65


Please note that the KWF-Tagung will take place in the forest and is therefore not barrier-free.

Advance ticket salesTicket

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us

+49 (0) 6078/785-65


Day Tickets KWF Expo

Ticket 41,25 € regular
33,00 € reduced

Please click for advance booking

Day ticket Expo & Excursion combined

Multi Day Ticket KWF Expo

Multi day ticket combi incl.excursion

Groups, 20 person over for KWF Expo


Contact Information

KWF e.V.

Spremberger Straße 1

64823 Groß-Umstadt




Phone: +49 (0)6078 – 78530

Adress: Schwarzenborn/Hessen


Traditionally, the KWF Tagung consists of three elements:
the KWF-Expo, the KWF IN-FIELD Demonstrations and the congress.
The KWF-Expo with its special shows is open to visitors every day from
9.00 am to 6.00 pm for visitors.

The technical excursion will take place from June 19-21, 2024.

The terms and conditions (AGB) in German language are basis and valid!

Images and video recordings

Images and video recordings will be made during the event for the organizer’s own purposes and advertising measures. By purchasing the ticket or attending the event, you agree to the publication of the image and sound material and assign the image rights to the organizer.